We will advise you in all facets of the purchasing chain.
EastWay Sourcing investigates together with the customer which products are interesting to buy from China, India or Turkey.
Select supplier:
EastWay Sourcing made a supplier selection for you.
Contract agreement:
EastWay Sourcing negotiates the price and delivery time. We could make annual frame agreements for you. For each item the customer get a production capacity sheet including general delivery times (quantity/months which is possible by supplier). We will advise you on minimum and maximum quantities based on packaging.
Purchasing orders will go directly to EastWay Sourcing
We will verify every order on price, delivery time and drawingnumber-revision. All outstanding deliveries will be recorded in datasheets, so you have an actual overview for all outstanding items.
We will send monthly reports about delivery performance and complete rejection reports (NCR), so no surprises for the customer.