
We will advise you in all facets of the purchasing chain.

  1. Specification:

    EastWay Sourcing investigates together with the customer which products are interesting to buy from China, India or Turkey.

  2. Select supplier:

    EastWay Sourcing made a supplier selection for you.

  3. Contract agreement:

    EastWay Sourcing negotiates the price and delivery time. We could make annual frame agreements for you. For each item the customer get a production capacity sheet including general delivery times (quantity/months which is possible by supplier). We will advise you on minimum and maximum quantities based on packaging.

  4. Ordering:

    Purchasing orders will go directly to EastWay Sourcing

  5. Expediting:

    We will verify every order on price, delivery time and drawingnumber-revision. All outstanding deliveries will be recorded in datasheets, so you have an actual overview for all outstanding items.

  6. Evaluation:

    We will send monthly reports about delivery performance and complete rejection reports (NCR), so no surprises for the customer.

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